Blog, news & updates

Global Warming

Global Warming

Posted 3rd November 2022

BDL’s latest blog takes a deeper look into global warming and what we can do the help reduce the impact it has on the world. Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth's surface observed since the pre-industrial period, between 1850 and 1900, due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel bu...

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How to be safe during a Heatwave

How to be safe during a Heatwave

Posted 18th August 2022

In the event of last month, The Met office issued an Amber Warning across England; This means that there could be life or potential serious illness from the scorching heat. But let’s be real this doesn’t stop anyone from going outside and enjoying themselves. But we still need to be weary of wha...

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Fire Protection in Schools

Fire Protection in Schools

Posted 23rd March 2022

Each year, approximately 90,000 of UK school pupils have their learning disrupted due to a fire. Previously, the responsibility of fire safety within schools lay with the owning local authority until 2006 when the regulatory reform of fire safety order 2005 (Also known as the fire safety order) was ...

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Fire Safety for Students

Fire Safety for Students

Posted 2nd March 2022

This article is aimed at Students living in shared accommodation.For many students, living away at university is their first real taste of independence and it can be a huge responsibility. From learning to cook for themselves to the increased risks of sharing accommodation, we hope this blog will ...

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Autumn Fire Safety

Autumn Fire Safety

Posted 20th October 2021

As the weather has noticeably changed in the last few weeks, this week’s blog will provide you with some tips on how to keep safe against fires this Autumn. I am sure we can all agree, the change in temperature has most of us reaching for our big warm coats and turning the heating up considera...

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Office Fire Safety

Office Fire Safety

Posted 14th July 2021

With the relaxation of restrictions and the government imposed ‘work from home’ order shortly to be removed, are you ready to head back to the office? This will already be a daunting time for most office workers having been away from the office for almost 18 months, but Fire Safety needn’t add...

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Fire Protection within the Hospitality Sector

Fire Protection within the Hospitality Sector

Posted 3rd June 2021

With life returning to normal (or more normal than it has been for the last 12 months) protecting your customers and service users has never been more important. Fire’s present one of the most significant risks to the hospitality sector. Aside from causing unimaginable damage bringing your busin...

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BDL’S Framework Win!

BDL’S Framework Win!

Posted 17th May 2021

We are delighted to announce that we have won a place on Fusion21 Building Safety and Compliance framework for both Fire Stopping and Fire Doors!Phill Woodhead, Fusion 21 Category Manager said "We are delighted to welcome all of the new suppliers onto the framework, including BDL Fire Protection...

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Passive Fire Protection – A beginner’s guide

Passive Fire Protection – A beginner’s guide

Posted 31st March 2021

You might be new to all things Passive Fire Protection (PFP) and not sure were to even start. Hopefully, this blog will help clear some of that up for you and answer any questions you have! PFP is an important component of any fire safety strategy. Playing one of the most vital roles in safeguar...

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Fire Safety working from home

Fire Safety working from home

Posted 8th March 2021

Almost twelve months on from when Covid-19 restrictions were introduced in the UK and many of us are still mixing work and home life under the same roof. A third National lockdown and ‘stay at home’ order in January 2021 meant we must all stay and work from home if we are able to do so. But have...

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2020 - The challenges, the up’s the downs and the way forward!

2020 - The challenges, the up’s the downs and the way forward!

Posted 14th December 2020

As we find ourselves nearing the end of what has been, let us say… an unusual year, here at BDL we have decided to take a look back at what this year has had in store for us.2020 has arguably been one of the most challenging years for many business and individuals. No one could have envisaged ...

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Andy & Jordan set up MND Charity

Andy & Jordan set up MND Charity

Posted 16th November 2020

You may or may not be aware of the disease, MND – Short for Motor Neurone Disease. BDL Site Manager Andy and his Fire Stopper brother Jordan, along with their family have set up their own fundraising charity in order to raise as much awareness and more funds to help support this terrible disease t...

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Giving back – Widnes Foodbank

Giving back – Widnes Foodbank

Posted 15th September 2020

Here at BDL, we wanted to be involved in something that helps give back to our community. Given the current situation surrounding Covid-19 and with so many people finding themselves out of work and with less income, we knew that foodbanks need our help now more than ever. We are proud and privileg...

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Meet our Apprentices!

Meet our Apprentices!

Posted 26th August 2020

At BDL, we strongly agree that Apprenticeships are a great way to help the young people of our community learn a new skillset, whilst studying the theory at college alongside gaining a hands-on experience on site. Apprenticeships are a great way to invest in the future and we are proud to be able to...

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What is compartmentation and how does it help prevent the spread of smoke and fire?

What is compartmentation and how does it help prevent the spread of smoke and fire?

Posted 17th August 2020

The compartmentalization of a building plays a vital role in preventing the spread of a fire and/or smoke. The technique involves sub-dividing rooms in a building to minimise the effects that fire or smoke has on a property and the people in it. The aim of a compartment is to isolate the fire in a p...

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Fire Doors! Why are they so important?

Fire Doors! Why are they so important?

Posted 22nd July 2020

Have you ever wondered why on such a hot day, doors with ‘Fire door keep shut!’ signs on them aren’t allowed to be kept open to let a cool breeze in? This weeks’ blog will help you to understand the importance of fire doors and why it is essential they are kept closed. When it comes to f...

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Passive Vs Active Fire Protection

Passive Vs Active Fire Protection

Posted 3rd July 2020

You might be wondering, what is the difference between Passive & Active fire protection? And which is more important? This week’s blog post is to help clear up those questions up for you and enable you to understand the importance of both. Firstly, lets understand the difference between the two. ...

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The Importance of Fire Protection in the workplace

The Importance of Fire Protection in the workplace

Posted 15th June 2020

Fire safety in any building absolutely essential. As a business owner and employer, you are responsible for ensuring the workplace meets all the required Health and Safety standards. It is fundamental that your working environment complies with all building regulations in order to ensure the safety ...

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Client Feedback

Novus Property Solutions

Neal Donlan

Carrying out construction works in the Health Care environment is extremely challenging. This means that you have to adapt your working methods/hours etc to suit to reduce the impact upon the primary function of the hospitals.

BDL Fire protection are always happy to do what we need them to, sometimes at extremely short notice to meet the demands of the project. They are extremely professional & reliable and I would certainly recommend the company.

Halton Housing

Diane Major

As the Customer Liaison Manager, communication with customers is paramount. The feedback I have received is very positive. Your operatives are courteous and respectful and nothing is too much trouble for the team. Special mention goes to Andy Morris, Ant and Shaun. Thank you.

Engie FM

Richie Sealey

BDL Fire Protection have proven to be a pro-active and efficient contractor, procured through projects involving myself.

Services ranging from Reactive and Preventative maintenance, asset verification relating to passive fire protection, all of which continues to be of a high standard from quality assurance to customer focus.